Template Pack Version History
v2.60 (Jun 9 2024)
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise OXE - Deutsche Telefon Germany SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise OXE - Hutchison Drei Austria SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise OXE - Infotech Austria SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise OXE - MyRepublic Singapore SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise OXE - OneRing USA SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise OXE - TEC USA SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise OXE - VTX Switzerland SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Deutsche Telefon Germany SIP Trunk" half-template
- Added "Hutchison Drei Austria SIP Trunk" half-template
- Added "Infotech Austria SIP Trunk" half-template
- Added "MyRepublic Singapore SIP Trunk" half-template
- Added "OneRing USA SIP Trunk" half-template
- Added "TEC USA SIP Trunk" half-template
- Added "VTX Switzerland SIP Trunk" half-template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Remote Users - Deutsche Telefon Germany SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Remote Users - Hutchison Drei Austria SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Remote Users - Infotech Austria SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Remote Users - MyRepublic Singapore SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Remote Users - OneRing USA SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Remote Users - TEC USA SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Remote Users - VTX Switzerland SIP Trunk" template
v2.59 (Apr 25 2023)
- Added "Microsoft Teams - EasyBell SIP Trunk" template
- Added "EasyBell SIP Trunk" half-template
- Added "Generic IP-PBX - VoiceHost SIP Trunk" template
- Added "VoiceHost SIP Trunk" half-template
v2.58 (Nov 7 2022)
- Added "Cisco Webex Calling - Generic SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Cisco Webex Calling" half-template
- Updated "Microsoft Teams - Swisscom Enterprise SIP Trunk" template
- Updated "Microsoft Teams - Swisscom Smart Business Connect" template
- Updated "Microsoft Teams" half-template
v2.57 (Oct 26 2022)
- Improved compatibility of updated "Microsoft Teams" templates with old versions
v2.56 (Sep 12 2022)
- Updated "Microsoft Teams" templates
- Updated "Google Voice SIP Link" templates
v2.55 (Jul 13 2022)
- Added "Google Voice SIP Link - Generic SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Google Voice SIP Link" half-template
- Added "Microsoft Teams - htp Business FleX SIP Trunk Smart" template
- Added "htp Business FleX SIP Trunk Smart" half-template
v2.54 (Mar 8 2022)
- Fixed "NEC SV9500 - Generic SIP Trunk" template
- Fixed "NEC SV9500" half-template
v2.53 (Mar 6 2022)
- Added "Generic IP-PBX - OBS Business Talk & BTIP encrypted SIP (TLS)" template
- Added "OBS Business Talk & BTIP encrypted SIP (TLS)" half-template
- Added "Generic IP-PBX - OBS Business Talk & BTIP unencrypted SIP (IPSEC)" template
- Added "OBS Business Talk & BTIP unencrypted SIP (IPSEC)" half-template
v2.52 (Feb 28 2022)
- Renamed all "Alcatel-Lucent" templates to "Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise"
- Updated "Alcatel-Lucent Remote Users" base template
- Swapped OpenTouch and OXE PBX'es order
- Removed "OTCV" profile
- Replaced "OTCT" profile with "SIP Clients (OXE)"
- Added support for HTTP reverse proxy
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise OXE - Jaguar Network France SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise OXE - Keyyo France SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise OXE - Telekom Malaysia SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise OXE - TelemaxX Germany SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise OXE - Xtel USA SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Remote Users - Jaguar Network France SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Remote Users - Keyyo France SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Remote Users - Telekom Malaysia SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Remote Users - TelemaxX Germany SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Remote Users - Xtel USA SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Jaguar Network France SIP Trunk" half-template
- Added "Keyyo France SIP Trunk" half-template
- Added "TelemaxX Gemany SIP Trunk" half-template
- Added "Xtel USA SIP Trunk" half-template
- Added "Genesys Cloud BYOC - Generic SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Genesys Cloud BYOC" half-template
- Removed "Generic IP-PBX - Orange Btalk IP SIP Trunk" template
- Removed "Orange Btalk IP SIP Trunk" half-template
- Removed "Orange Business Services BTIPol France" half-template
- Removed "Microsoft Skype for Business 2015 - Orange Btalk IP SIP Trunk" template
v2.51 (Aug 5 2021)
- Added "Microsoft Teams - PYUR SIP Trunk" template
- Added "PYUR SIP Trunk" half-template
- Updated domain name in Alcatel-Lucent Remote Users templates
v2.50 (Jul 1 2021)
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent OXE - Bandwidth USA SIP Trunk" template
- Updated "Alcatel-Lucent OXE - Colt SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent OXE - COX USA SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent OXE - DTAG Company Flex Germany SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent OXE - DTAG DeutschlandLAN Germany SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent OXE - Fastweb Italy SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent OXE - IP Austria SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent OXE - Mobile One Singapore SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent OXE - Neotel Austria SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent OXE - Net4You Austria SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent OXE - Orange Business Services BTIPol France" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent OXE - Peerless Network USA SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent OXE - Plusnet IPfonie Extended Connect Germany" template
- Updated "Alcatel-Lucent OXE - Telenor Sweden SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent OXE - Unyk France SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent OXE - Voiceworks Germany SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent Remote Users - Bandwidth USA SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent Remote Users - Colt SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent Remote Users - COX USA SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent Remote Users - DTAG Company Flex Germany SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent Remote Users - DTAG DeutschlandLAN Germany SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent Remote Users - Fastweb Italy SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent Remote Users - IP Austria SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent Remote Users - Mobile One Singapore SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent Remote Users - Neotel Austria SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent Remote Users - Net4You Austria SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent Remote Users - Orange Business Services BTIPol France" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent Remote Users - Peerless Network USA SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent Remote Users - Plusnet IPfonie Extended Connect" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent Remote Users - Telenor Sweden SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent Remote Users - Unky France SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent Remote Users - Voiceworks Germany SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Bandwidth USA SIP Trunk" half-template
- Added "COX USA SIP Trunk" half-template
- Added "DTAG Company Flex Germany SIP Trunk" half-template
- Added "Fastweb Italy SIP Trunk" half-template
- Added "Net4You Austria SIP Trunk" half-template
- Added "IP Austria SIP Trunk" half-template
- Added "Mobile One Singapore SIP Trunk" half-template
- Added "Voiceworks Germany SIP Trunk" half-template
- Added "Microsoft Teams - Virgin Media SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Microsoft Teams - IXICA Canada SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Microsoft Teams - SaskTel Canada SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Microsoft Teams - Six Degrees UK SIP Trunk" template
- Added "IXICA Canada SIP Trunk" half-template
- Added "Orange Business Services BTIPol France" half-template
- Added "SaskTel Canada SIP Trunk" half-template
- Added "Six Degrees UK SIP Trunk" half-template
- Added "Peerless Network USA SIP Trunk" half-template
- Added "Unyk France SIP Trunk" half-template
v2.49 (Mar 29 2021)
- Updated "Zoom Phone" templates
- Updated "Microsoft Teams - Swisscom Enterprise SIP Trunk" template
- Updated "Microsoft Teams - Swisscom Smart Business Connect" template
v2.48 (Dec 20 2020)
- Added "Generic IP-PBX - Orange Btalk IP SIP Trunk" template
- Updated "Orange Btalk IP SIP Trunk" half-template
- Added "Avaya Aura Communication Manager - Gold Line SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Avaya Aura Communication Manager" half-template
- Added "Gold Line SIP Trunk" half-template
- Added "Microsoft Teams - Twilio SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Microsoft Teams - Bell Canada SIP Trunk" template
v2.47 (Apr 22 2020)
- Updated "Microsoft Teams" templates
- Added "AudioCodes WebRTC Clients with Alcatel-Lucent OXE" template
v2.46 (Apr 19 2020)
- Added "Microsoft Teams - Anywhere365 Dialogue Cloud" template
- Added "Anywhere365 Dialogue Cloud" half-template
- Added "Microsoft Teams - Unify OpenScape Voice v9" template
- Added "Avaya R11 Remote Users" template
v2.45 (Feb 9 2020)
- Fixed "Cisco CUCM - Amazon Chime Voice Connector" template
- Fixed "Amazon Chime Voice Connector" half-template
v2.44 (Jan 12 2020)
- Added "Mida LiteCallCenter - Microsoft Teams" template
- Updated "Swyx IP-PBX - DTAG SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Zoom Phone - Generic SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Zoom Phone" half-template
- Added "Microsoft Teams - VoIP.ms SIP Trunk" template
- Added "VoIP.ms SIP Trunk" half-template
v2.43 (Oct 31 2019)
- Updated all "A1 Telekom Austria SIP Trunk" templates
- Updated all "Swisscom Enterprise SIP Trunk" templates
- Updated all "Swisscom Smart Business Connect" templates
- Added "Microsoft Teams - Telecom Liechtenstein SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Microsoft Teams - Cisco CUCM 12" template
- Added "3CX IP-PBX - Tata SIP Trunk" template
- Added "3CX IP-PBX" half-template
v2.42 (Oct 22 2019)
- Fixed all "Alcatel-Lucent Remote Users" templates
v2.41 (Sep 11 2019)
- Fixed all "Alcatel-Lucent Remote Users" templates
- Updated all "Microsoft Teams" templates:
- "Address" should be set to sip.pstnhub.microsoft.com in UI
- "SIP Domain" should be set to FQDN of SBC in Microsoft Teams tenant
- Proxy IP table with 3 entries is implicitly created
- IP Group Local Host Name is implicitly set to "SIP Domain" value
- Updated "Alcatel-Lucent OXE - A1 Telekom Austria SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Microsoft Teams - DTAG DeutschlandLAN SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Microsoft Teams - TELUS IP Trunking Release 2" template
- Added "Microsoft Teams - nexVortex SIP Trunk" template
- Added "nexVortex SIP Trunk" half-template
- Added "Microsoft Teams - autphone SIP Trunk" template
- Added "autphone SIP Trunk" half-template
- Added "Microsoft Teams - ETB Colombia SIP Trunk" template
- Added "ETB Colombia SIP Trunk" half-template
- Renamed "DTAG SIP Trunk" to "DTAG DeutschlandLAN SIP Trunk"
- Renamed "TELUS SIP Trunk" to "TELUS IP Trunking Release 2"
v2.40 (Jun 2 2019)
- Rebranded all "QSC AG SIP Trunk" templates to "Plusnet IPfonie Extended Connect"
v2.39 (May 6 2019)
- Added "Cisco CUCM - Amazon Chime Voice Connector" template
- Added "Amazon Chime Voice Connector" half-template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent OXE - Versatel Germany SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Versatel Germany SIP Trunk" half-template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent Remote Users - Versatel Germany SIP Trunk" template
- Renamed a few SIP Trunk providers to include country name
v2.38 (May 2 2019)
- Updated "Alcatel-Lucent OXE - A1 Telekom SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent OXE - UPC Austria" template
- Added "UPC Austria" half-template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent OXE - Toplink SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Toplink SIP Trunk" half-template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent OXE - Vodafone DE IP-ALA SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent OXE - DNA Finland SIP Trunk" template
- Added "DNA Finland SIP Trunk" half-template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent OXE - VOX SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent OXE - Euskaltel SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Euskaltel SIP Trunk" half-template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent OXE - Telenor SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent OXE - Via-Vox SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Via-Vox SIP Trunk" half-template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent OXE - Spectrum SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Spectrum SIP Trunk" half-template
- Updated "Alcatel-Lucent Remote Users - Gamma SIP Trunk" template
- Updated "Alcatel-Lucent Remote Users - QSC AG SIP Trunk" template
- Updated "Alcatel-Lucent Remote Users - Vodafone DE IP-ALA SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent Remote Users - A1 Telekom SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent Remote Users - DNA Finland SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent Remote Users - Euskaltel SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent Remote Users - Spectrum SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent Remote Users - Telenor SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent Remote Users - Toplink SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent Remote Users - UPC Austria" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent Remote Users - VOX SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent Remote Users - Via-Vox SIP Trunk" template
- Updated "Swisscom Enterprise SIP Trunk" half-template
- Updated "Microsoft Skype for Business 2015 - Swisscom Enterprise SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Generic IP-PBX - TIM NICI SIP Trunk" template
- Added "TIM NICI SIP Trunk" half-template
- Added "Microsoft Skype for Business 2015 - Vodafone IT SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Vodafone IT SIP Trunk" half-template
v2.37 (Apr 24 2019)
- Fixed DNS SRV configuration in all templates
v2.36 (Apr 4 2019)
- Fixed "Alcatel-Lucent Remote Users" templates
v2.35 (Apr 2 2019)
- Fixed Classification table configuration in "Microsoft Teams" templates
- Added "OTC iPhone" to "Alcatel-Lucent Remote Users" templates (requires SBC Configuration Wizard v2.22)
v2.34 (Nov 27 2018)
- Added "Denwa Nano IP-PBX - BroadCloud SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Denwa Nano IP-PBX" half-template
- Added USERAGENTDISPLAYINFO to all BroadCloud SIP Trunk templates
- Added "Microsoft Teams - Swisscom Enterprise SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Microsoft Teams" half-template
- Added "Microsoft Teams - Swisscom Smart Business Connect" template
- Added "Swisscom Smart Business Connect" half-template
- Added "Microsoft Teams - Colt SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Generic IP-PBX - TWT SIP Trunk" template
- Added "TWT SIP Trunk" half-template
v2.33 (Jul 10 2018)
- Added "Microsoft Skype for Business 2015 - EWE TEL SIP Trunk" template
- Added "EWE TEL SIP Trunk" half-template
- Added "Microsoft Skype for Business 2015 - A1 Telekom SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Microsoft Skype for Business 2015 - GTT SIP Trunk" template
- Added "GTT SIP Trunk" half-template
- Added "NEC 3C IP-PBX - TIM IT PK0" template
- Added "TIM IT PK0" half-template
- Updated "NEC SV9100 Remote Users" template
- Updated "NEC SV9100 - BroadCloud SIP Trunk" template
- Updated "NEC SV9100" half-template
v2.32 (Jul 2 2018)
- Updated "NEC SV9100 Remote Users" template
- Updated "NEC SV9100 - BroadCloud SIP Trunk" template
- Updated "NEC SV9100" half-template
v2.31 (Jun 14 2018)
- Updated "NEC SV9100 Remote Users" template
v2.30 (Jun 13 2018)
- Updated "Microsoft Skype for Business 2015 - Swisscom Enterprise SIP Trunk" template
v2.29 (May 1 2018)
- Updated "Microsoft Skype for Business 2015 - Swisscom Enterprise SIP Trunk" template
- Updated "Swisscom Enterprise SIP Trunk" half-template
- Updated "Microsoft Skype for Business 2015 - Virgin Media SIP Trunk.template" template
- Updated "Microsoft Lync 2013 - Virgin Media SIP Trunk.template" template
- Updated "Virgin Media SIP Trunk.template" half-template
- Updated "Cisco CUCM - BroadCloud SIP Trunk" template
- Added "NEC SV9100 Remote Users" template
- Updated "NEC SV9100 - BroadCloud SIP Trunk" template
- Updated "NEC SV9100" half-template
v2.28 (Feb 19 2018)
- Added "Generic IP-PBX - Telia Entry" template
- Added "Telia Entry" half-template
v2.27 (Jan 30 2018)
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent OXE - A1 Telekom SIP Trunk" template
- Added "A1 Telekom SIP Trunk" half-template
- Renamed "Belgacom SIP Trunk" to "Proximus SIP Trunk"
- Renamed "Vodafone DE SIP Trunk" to "Vodafone DE IP-ALA SIP Trunk"
- Updated "Cisco CUCM - BroadCloud SIP Trunk" template
- Updated "Swisscom" templates
- Updated "Vodafone DE IP-ALA SIP Trunk" templates
v2.26 (Jul 27 2017)
- Updated "Alcatel-Lucent OXE" half-template
- Updated "Alcatel-Lucent OXE - Citycom SIP Trunk" template
- Updated "Alcatel-Lucent OXE - Colt SIP Trunk" template
- Updated "Alcatel-Lucent OXE - Gamma SIP Trunk" template
- Updated "Alcatel-Lucent Remote Users - Gamma SIP Trunk" template
- Updated "Alcatel-Lucent Remote Users - QSC AG SIP Trunk" template
v2.25 (Jul 9 2017)
- Added "Vocalcom Call Center - Manifone SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Manifone SIP Trunk" half-template
v2.24 (Jul 2 2017)
- Added "Microsoft Skype for Business 2015 - Exponential-e SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Exponential-e SIP Trunk" half-template
v2.23 (Jun 27 2017)
- Removed obsolete "TM SIP Trunk" half-template
v2.22 (Jun 26 2017)
- Added "ShoreTel PBX - Telekom Malaysia SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Telekom Malaysia SIP Trunk" half-template
v2.21 (Jun 22 2017)
- Updated "Microsoft Skype for Business 2015 - Swisscom Enterprise SIP Trunk" template
- Updated "Swisscom Enterprise SIP Trunk" half-template
v2.20 (Jun 1 2017)
- Added "Microsoft Skype for Business 2015 - Orange BTIP SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Orange BTIP SIP Trunk" half-template
v2.19 (May 24 2017)
- Added "Microsoft Skype for Business 2015 - Thueringer Netkom SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Thueringer Netkom SIP Trunk" half-template
- Fixed "Alcatel-Lucent OXE - Colt SIP Trunk" template
- Fixed "Microsoft Lync 2013 - Twilio SIP Trunk" template
v2.18 (May 7 2017)
- Added "Microsoft Skype for Business 2015 - KCOM SIP Trunk" template
- Added "KCOM SIP Trunk" half-template
v2.17 (Mar 22 2017)
- Added "Microsoft Skype for Business 2015 - Rogers SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Rogers SIP Trunk" half-template
v2.16 (Mar 15 2017)
- Fixed "Alcatel-Lucent Remote Users - * SIP Trunk" templates (requires SBC Configuration Wizard v2.10)
v2.15 (Mar 9 2017)
- Added "Interactive Intelligence - TELUS SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Swyx IP-PBX - DTAG SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Swyx IP-PBX" half-template
v2.14 (Jan 15 2017)
- Removed "BT Italia" templates
v2.13 (Jan 5 2017)
- Fixed "Microsoft Lync 2013 - Hong Kong Broadband" template
- Fixed "Microsoft Lync 2013 - Tata SIP Trunk" template
v2.12 (Dec 28 2016)
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent OXE - BroadCloud SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent Remote Users - QSC AG SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent Remote Users - Vodafone DE SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Microsoft Skype for Business 2015 - Bell Canada SIP Trunk" template
- Updated "Microsoft Lync 2013 - Bell Canada SIP Trunk" template
- Updated "Bell Canada SIP Trunk" half-template
- Added "Microsoft Skype for Business 2015 - 8x8 SIP Trunk" template
- Added "8x8 SIP Trunk" half-template
- Added "NEC 3C IP-PBX - Vodafone NL SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Vodafone NL SIP Trunk" half-template
- Added "Unify OpenScape Voice - BroadCloud SIP Trunk" template
v2.11 (Dec 27 2016)
- Added "NEC SV9300 - Generic SIP Trunk" template
- Added "NEC SV9500 - Generic SIP Trunk" template
- Added "NEC SV9300" half-template
- Added "NEC SV9500" half-template
- Added "Microsoft Skype for Business 2015 - QSC AG SIP Trunk" template
- Updated "QSC AG SIP Trunk" half-template
- Added "Microsoft Skype for Business 2015 - Swisscom Enterprise SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Swisscom Enterprise SIP Trunk" half-template
- Added "Microsoft Skype for Business 2015 - Vodafone DE SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Vodafone DE SIP Trunk" half-template
v2.10 (Aug 11 2016)
- Added "Microsoft Lync 2013 - Tata SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Unify OpenScape Business - Telkom SA Standard SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Unify OpenScape Voice - Cybersmart SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Unify OpenScape Voice" half-template
- Added "Cybersmart SIP Trunk" half-template
- Added "Unify OpenScape Voice - ECN SIP Trunk" template
- Added "ECN SIP Trunk" half-template
- Added "AKIO Call Center - Generic IP-PBX" template
- Added "Microsoft Skype for Business 2015 - Virgin Media SIP Trunk" template
- Added "NEC 3C IP-PBX - BT Italia SIP Trunk" template
- Added "NEC 3C IP-PBX" half-template
- Added "ShoreTel PBX - AAPT SIP Trunk" template
- Added "AAPT SIP Trunk" half-template
- Added "Genesys SIP Server - Ncell SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Ncell SIP Trunk" half-template
- Added "Microsoft Skype for Business 2015 - Amcom SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Amcom SIP Trunk" half-template
- Added "Microsoft Lync 2010 - T-Mobile SIP Trunk" template
- Added "T-Mobile SIP Trunk" half-template
v2.9 (Aug 10 2016)
- Added "Microsoft Lync 2013 - Netvision SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Netvision SIP Trunk" half-template
- Added "Microsoft Lync 2010 - Sprint SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Sprint SIP Trunk" half-template
- Added "Microsoft Skype for Business 2015 - FairPoint SIP Trunk" template
- Added "FairPoint SIP Trunk" half-template
- Added "OpenSIPS - Tata SIP Trunk" template
- Added "OpenSIPS" half-template
- Added "Tata SIP Trunk" half-template
v2.8 (Jul 12 2016)
- Added "Microsoft Skype for Business 2015 - M-net SIP Trunk" template
- Updated "M-net SIP Trunk" half-template
- Fixed typo in "Telecom Liechtenstein SIP Trunk" name
- All templates that had identical "SIP Domain" value in IP-PBX and SIP Trunk settings were updated to generate configuration based on SIP Trunk configuration only
v2.7 (Jun 29 2016)
- Added "Microsoft Skype for Business 2015 - Telekom Liechtenstein SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Microsoft Skype for Business 2015 - Flowroute SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Telekom Liechtenstein SIP Trunk" half-template
- Added "Flowroute SIP Trunk" half-template
- All templates that had identical "Trunk Main Line" and "Username" were updated to generate configuration based on username only
- Replaced "Trunk Main Line" with "Registration Domain" in all "Telkom SA Standard SIP Trunk" templates
v2.6 (May 31 2016)
- Updated "Alcatel-Lucent Remote Users" template
- Updated "Alcatel-Lucent Remote Users - Gamma SIP Trunk" template
- Fixed "Polkomtel SIP Trunk" half-template
v2.5 (May 31 2016)
- Updated "Alcatel-Lucent Remote Users" template
- Updated "Alcatel-Lucent Remote Users - Gamma SIP Trunk" template
- Renamed "Mitel 3300 MXE III Call Center" to "Mitel 3300 MXE III"
- Renamed "Skype for Business 2015" to "Microsoft Skype for Business 2015"
- Added "ShoreTel PBX - Telkom SA Standard SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Mitel 3300 MXE III - Telkom SA Standard SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Mitel MiVoice Office 400 - Telkom SA Standard SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Unify OpenScape 4000 - Telkom SA Premium SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Mitel MiVoice Office 400" half-template
- Added "Unify OpenScape 4000" half-template
v2.4 (May 25 2016)
- Fixed "DTAG SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent OXE - Citycom SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent OXE - Telenet SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent OXE - M-net SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Citycom SIP Trunk" half-template
- Added "Telenet SIP Trunk" half-template
- Added "M-net SIP Trunk" half-template
v2.3 (May 24 2016)
- Fixed "Swisscom VoIP Gate" half-template
- Added "index.json" file
v2.2 (May 15 2016)
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent OXE - Virgin Media SIP Trunk" template
v2.1 (May 11 2016)
- Added "WebRTC Remote Users" template
v2.0 (May 10 2016)
- Added individual IP-PBX and SIP Trunk descriptors - for templates auto-generation
- All existing templates cleaned up and updated for SBC Configuration Wizard v2.0
- Added "Generic IP-PBX - Akio Call Center" template
- Added "Skype for Business 2015 - Sunrise SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Unify HiPath 3000 - BroadCloud SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Unify OpenScape Business - BroadCloud SIP Trunk" template
- Updated "Skype for Business 2015 - DTAG SIP Trunk" template
- Updated "Skype for Business 2015 - Swisscom VoIP Gate" template
v1.76 (Apr 27 2016)
- Updated "Microsoft Lync 2013 - Windstream SIP Trunk" template
- Fixed "Microsoft Lync 2013 - Swisscom VoIP Gate" template
v1.75 (Mar 16 2016)
- Updated "Alcatel-Lucent Remote Users" template
- Updated "Alcatel-Lucent Remote Users - Gamma SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Skype for Business 2015 - DTAG SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Skype for Business 2015 - ShoreTel PBX" template
v1.74 (Mar 9 2016)
- Added "Genesys SIP Server - BT Italia SIP Trunk" template
v1.73 (Feb 29 2016)
- Updated "Alcatel-Lucent Remote Users" template
- Updated "Alcatel-Lucent Remote Users - Gamma SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Mitel 3300 MXE III Call Center - BroadCloud SIP Trunk" template
- Added "ShoreTel PBX - BroadCloud SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Skype for Business 2015 - Mobistar IMS SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Toshiba CIX 200 IP-PBX - BroadCloud SIP Trunk" template
v1.72 (Jan 19 2016)
- Updated "Microsoft Lync 2013 - BT One Voice" template
v1.71 (Jan 5 2016)
- Added "Skype for Business 2015 - TELUS SIP Trunk" template
- Fixed "Alcatel-Lucent OXE - Completel SIP Trunk" template
- Fixed "Avaya IP-PBX - Completel SIP Trunk" template
v1.70 (Dec 23 2015)
- Updated "Microsoft Lync 2013 - BT One Voice" template
v1.69 (Dec 20 2015)
- Added "Avaya IP-PBX - Telefonica Peru SIP Trunk" template
v1.68 (Dec 14 2015)
- Added "Genesys SIP Server - Windstream SIP Trunk" template
v1.67 (Dec 10 2015)
- Added "Interactive Intelligence - BT One Voice" template
- Updated "Microsoft Lync 2013 - BT One Voice" template
- Fixed "Avaya IP-PBX - Completel SIP Trunk" template
- Fixed "Microsoft Lync 2013 - Verizon SIP Trunk" template
v1.66 (Nov 24 2015)
- Fixed "Alcatel-Lucent Remote Users" template
v1.65 (Nov 16 2015)
- Added "Avaya IP Office 500 - BroadCloud SIP Trunk" template
- Added "CISCO CUCM - BroadCloud SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Mitel 5000 CP - BroadCloud SIP Trunk" template
- Added "NEC SL1100 - BroadCloud SIP Trunk" template
- Added "NEC SV8100 - BroadCloud SIP Trunk" template
- Added "NEC SV9100 - BroadCloud SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Panasonic KX-NS500 - BroadCloud SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Panasonic KX-NS1000 - BroadCloud SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Panasonic KX-TDE100 - BroadCloud SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Panasonic KX-TDE200 - BroadCloud SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Panasonic KX-TDE600 - BroadCloud SIP Trunk" template
v1.64 (Sep 30 2015)
- Added support for SBC version 7.2
v1.63 (Jul 19 2015)
- Added "Skype for Business 2015 - BroadConnect SIP Trunk" template
v1.62 (Jul 13 2015)
- Fixed "Microsoft Lync 2013 - Swisscom VoIP Gate" template
v1.61 (Jun 29 2015)
- Added "Generic IP-PBX - Microsoft Office 365 Exchange UM" template
- Added "Microsoft Lync 2013 - Level3 SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Skype for Business 2015 - Polkomtel SIP Trunk" template
v1.60 (Jun 9 2015)
- Added "Genesys SIP Server - Telenor SIP Trunk" template
- Fixed "Microsoft Lync 2013 - Twilio SIP Trunk" template
- Fixed "Microsoft Lync 2013 - Swisscom VoIP Gate" template
- Fixed "Alcatel-Lucent OXO - Saicom Voice SIP Trunk" template
v1.59 (May 19 2015)
- Added "Microsoft Lync 2013 - Twilio SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Microsoft Lync 2013 - Shaw SIP Trunk" template
v1.58 (Mar 26 2015)
- Added "Microsoft Lync 2013 - BroadCloud SIP Trunk" template
v1.57 (Mar 03 2015)
- Added "Microsoft Lync 2013 - LGU+ SIP Trunk" template
v1.56 (Feb 18 2015)
- Fixed "Microsoft Lync 2013 - Time Warner Cable SIP Trunk" template
v1.55 (Feb 10 2015)
- Added "Microsoft Lync 2013 - Time Warner Cable SIP Trunk" template
v1.54 (Feb 02 2015)
- Added support for software version 7.0
- Requires SBC Configuration Wizard v1.22 or later
v1.53 (Jan 27 2015)
- Added "Microsoft Lync 2013 - Solnet SIP Trunk" template
- Fixed "Alcatel-Lucent Remote Users" template
v1.52 (Jan 13 2015)
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent OXO - Saicom Voice SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Microsoft Lync 2013 - Alcatel-Lucent OXO" template
- Added "Microsoft Lync 2013 - Saicom Voice SIP Trunk" template
- Updated "Microsoft Lync 2013 - Internet Solutions SIP Trunk" template
v1.51 (Dec 14 2014)
- Added "Microsoft Lync 2013 - NextGenTel SIP Trunk" template
v1.50 (Dec 10 2014)
- Added "Microsoft Lync 2010 - NTT SIP Trunk" template
v1.49 (Dec 7 2014)
- Fixed "Alcatel-Lucent Remote Users" template
v1.48 (Nov 3 2014)
- Added "Genesys SIP Server - CenturyLink SIP Trunk" template
- Fixed "Genesys SIP Server - AireSpring SIP Trunk" template
v1.47 (Oct 27 2014)
- Fixed "Microsoft Lync 2013 - Telenor SIP Trunk" template
v1.46 (Oct 26 2014)
- Added "Genesys SIP Server - AireSpring SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Microsoft Lync 2013 - Telenor SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Microsoft Lync 2013 - Intelepeer SIP Trunk" template
v1.45 (Oct 2 2014)
- Added "BroadSoft - Generic SIP Trunk" template
v1.44 (Sep 28 2014)
- Fixed "Alcatel-Lucent Remote Users" template
v1.43 (Sep 15 2014)
- Added "Microsoft Lync 2013 - Avaya CS1000" template
v1.42 (Sep 8 2014)
- Added "Ericsson-LG IPECS MFIM - Telkom SA Premium SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Ericsson-LG IPECS MFIM - Telkom SA Standard SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Microsoft Lync 2013 - Neotel SIP Trunk" template
- Added "NEC 3C PBX Remote Users" template
- Fixed media ports range in the following templates:
- "Microsoft Lync 2010 - AT&T IP Toll Free SIP Trunk"
- "Microsoft Lync 2010 - AT&T IP Toll Free SIP Trunk"
- "Vocalcom Call Center - Belgacom SIP Trunk"
v1.41 (Aug 5 2014)
- Added "ShoreTel PBX - Telecom NZ SIP Trunk" template
- All Lync templates renamed to indicate Lync version
v1.40 (Jul 31 2014)
- Added "Microsoft Lync - Hong Kong Broadband" template
- Added "Microsoft Lync - SingTel SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Microsoft Lync - UPC Nederland" template
v1.39 (Jul 22 2014)
- Updated "Microsoft Lync - Verizon SIP Trunk" template
- Updated "Microsoft Lync 2013 - Bell Canada SIP Trunk" template
v1.38 (Jul 21 2014)
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent Remote Users" template
- Added "Microsoft Lync - Skype SIP Trunk" template
v1.37 (Jun 19 2014)
- Fixed "Microsoft Lync - Netia SIP Trunk" template
v1.36 (Jun 18 2014)
- Fixed "Microsoft Lync - Swisscom VoIP Gate" template - added reference to LTRT document
v1.35 (Jun 17 2014)
- Added "Microsoft Lync - Swisscom VoIP Gate" template
- Added "Microsoft Lync - Netia SIP Trunk" template
- Fixed "Microsoft Lync - BluIP SIP Trunk" template - added SIPGATEWAYNAME
v1.34 (Jun 11 2014)
- Added "Microsoft Lync 2013 - Bell Canada SIP Trunk" template
- Renamed "Microsoft Lync - Bell Canada SIP Trunk" template to "Microsoft Lync 2010 - Bell Canada SIP Trunk"
v1.33 (Jun 10 2014)
- Update for Wizard v1.15 - removed remote FEU port from all relevant templates
v1.32 (Jun 5 2014)
- Added "Genesys SIP Server - Colt SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Microsoft Lync - Vodafone NZ SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Microsoft Lync - TELUS SIP Trunk" template
v1.31 (May 7 2014)
- Added "Microsoft Lync - Telstra SIP Enterprise" template
v1.30 (Apr 30 2014)
- Added "Microsoft Lync - BT BV IP Connect" template
- Added "Microsoft Lync - G12 SIP Trunk" template
- Added "SAP Contact Center - Colt SIP Trunk" template
v1.29 (Feb 23 2014)
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent OXE - Colt SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent OXE - Gamma SIP Trunk" template
- Changed NAT configuration syntax to match Wizard v1.14
v1.28 (Jan 21 2014)
- Obscured usernames and primary lines in all templates
v1.27 (Jan 15 2014)
- Fixed "Microsoft Lync - Virginmedia SIP Trunk" template
v1.26 (Jan 7 2014)
- Added "Microsoft Lync - Virginmedia SIP Trunk" template
v1.25 (Nov 28 2013)
- Added "Microsoft Lync - Tipicall SIP Trunk" template
v1.24 (Nov 17 2013)
- Added "Microsoft Lync - BCX SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Microsoft Lync - Mitel 3300 MXE III Call Center" template
- Added "Microsoft Lync - Telavox SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Microsoft Lync - VOX SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Mitel 3300 MXE III Call Center - BCX SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Mitel 3300 MXE III Call Center - VOX SIP Trunk" template
- Added "MTN Hosted IP-PBX" template
v1.23 (Nov 12 2013)
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent OXE - Counterpath Softphones" template
- Added "Avaya IP-PBX - Office 365 Exchange Online" template
- Added "Cisco CUCM - Office 365 Exchange Online" template
- Added "Genesys SIP Server - SIPUS SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Microsoft Lync - Alphalink SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Microsoft Lync - Gamma SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Microsoft Lync - IP Directions SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Vocalcom Call Center - Belgacom SIP Trunk" template
v1.22 (Oct 27 2013)
- Added "Microsoft Lync - Hipcom SIP Trunk" template
- Fixed account configuration in BellCanada templates
v1.21 (Oct 23 2013)
- Added "Asterisk - XO SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Avaya IP-PBX - Alcatel-Lucent OXE" template
- Added "Avaya IP-PBX - Bell Canada SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Avaya IP-PBX - Cisco CUCM" template
- Added "Avaya IP-PBX - Verizon SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Cisco CUCM - AT&T Enhanced IPFR" template
- Added "Genesys SIP Server - Alcatel-Lucent OXE" template
- Added "Genesys SIP Server - Avaya IP-PBX" template
- Added "Genesys SIP Server - Cisco CUCM" template
- Added "Microsoft Lync - Interactive Intelligence" template
- Updated "Microsoft Lync - Windstream SIP Trunk" template
- Modified all templates - removed "redundant" domain names
v1.20 (Oct 17 2013)
- Added "Microsoft Lync - AT&T Enhanced IPFR" template
- Added "Microsoft Lync - Alteva SIP Trunk" template
v1.19 (Oct 16 2013)
- Added "Microsoft Lync - Alcatel-Lucent OXE" template
- Added "Microsoft Lync - Cisco CUCM" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent OXO - IP Directions SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent OXE - Completel SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Microsoft Lync - Tele2 SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Cisco CUCM - Completel SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Avaya IP-PBX - Completel" template
- Added "DuPont Hosted IP-PBX" template
- Added "Microsoft Lync - MWEB SIP Trunk" template
- Cleaned up "Alcatel-Lucent - Broadvox SIP Trunk" template
v1.18 (Oct 13 2013)
- Added "Microsoft Lync - BluIP SIP Trunk" template
v1.17 (Oct 6 2013)
- Fixed "Alcatel-Lucent - Broadvox SIP Trunk" template
v1.16 (Sep 23 2013)
- Renamed "Microsoft Lync - GTS-CE SIP Trunk" to "Microsoft Lync - GTS-Hungary SIP Trunk"
v1.15 (Sep 23 2013)
- Added "Microsoft Lync - GTS-CE SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Microsoft Lync - MTS Allstream SIP Trunk" template
v1.14 (Sep 10 2013)
- Added "Genesys SIP Server - AT&T IPTF" template
- Added "Genesys SIP Server - Verizon SIP Trunk" template
- Renamed "Genesys SRV" templates to "Genesys SIP Server"
- Added "Avaya Session Manager - Microsoft Office 365" template
v1.13 (Aug 6 2013)
- Added "Microsoft Lync - BT One Voice" template
v1.12 (Aug 1 2013)
- Added "Microsoft Lync - Verizon SIP Trunk" template
- Fixed SRTP configuration in all Lync templates to use explicit Media Protocol configuration
v1.11 (Jul 30 2013)
- Added "ShoreTel PBX - MWEB SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Microsoft Lync - Avaya S8700" template
- Changed beta status for templates confirmed by FAEs
v1.10 (Jul 29 2013)
- Added "Microsoft Lync - OVH SIP Trunk" template
- Added "Microsoft Lync - Neotel SIP Trunk" template
- Fixed SRTP configuration in all Lync templates - the section is present only when SRTP is actually used
v1.9 (Jul 17 2013)
- Added "Microsoft Lync - Internet Solutions SIP Trunk" template
- Fixed "Toshiba IP Edge - TM SIP Trunk" template
v1.8 (Jul 11 2013)
- Added "Microsoft Lync - CogecoData SIP Trunk" template
- Fixed "Genesys SRV - AT&T Enhanced IPFR" template
- Fixed "Genesys SRV - AT&T IPFR" template
- Fixed "Microsoft Lync - In Technology SIP Trunk" template
- Fixed "Microsoft Lync - QSC AG SIP Trunk" template
- Fixed "Microsoft Lync - XO Communications SIP Trunk" template
- Fixed "Microsoft Lync - Telstra SIPConnect" template
- Fixed "Toshiba IP Edge - TM SIP Trunk" template
v1.7 (Jul 10 2013)
- Added "Microsoft Lync - Telstra SIPConnect" template
v1.6 (Jul 8 2013)
- Added "Toshiba IP Edge - TM SIP SIP Trunk" template
- Obscured IP addresses in "Genesys - AT&T" templates
- Added support for Remote Users to "Genesys - AT&T" templates
v1.5 (Jul 2 2013)
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent - Broadvox SIP Trunk" template
- Added labels to all templates (to be shown on setup picture)
v1.4 (Jul 2 2013)
- Fixed "Genesys SRV - AT&T Enhanced IPFR" template
- Fixed "Genesys SRV - AT&T IP Flexible Reach" template
- Removed "Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX" template
v1.3 (Jun 30 2013)
- Added "Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX" template
v1.2 (Jun 30 2013)
- Added "Genesys SRV - AT&T Enhanced IPFR" template
v1.1 (Jun 27 2013)
- Added "Genesys SRV - AT&T IP Flexible Reach" template